Thursday, June 16, 2016

I have just been nominated to a cabinet level position!

  There are just some things that do not make sense; things that defy logic.  I recognize a need in our country for us to check ourselves on the "...of the people, by the people, for the people..." stuff.  I know everyone in our government is probably already really busy so I am going to just jump in and help out.  (By the people, right?)
We need some logic injected into our every day governing and maybe even every day life.  We need to be able to speak plainly and have everyone understand the logic of what is being said.  I don't think we should purposely hurt people's feelings.  But really we have to start thinking a little more clearly, say some things that some people won't like but can agree with and some things that have to change.  Someone has to be in charge.  Our politicians don't understand us.  They can no longer considered "of the people".  They cannot relate to every day American life.  They don't live it.  They don't speak like we do, they don't care about the same things we do, they have totally different goals than we do.  I see a need so I'm going to ask not what my country can do for me. I asked what I can do for my country and I answered my own question. Logically that makes me the best person for the job.
So by the power vested in me by the Constitution of the United States of America I hereby nominate myself to a cabinet level position.  My new position will be responsible for stating the logical position. Saying out loud (blog version) the things that just make sense.  I also will provide translation of politician speak to regular English. 
Please feel free to comment or congratulate me on my new position.  I am pleased to be acting "for the people".

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